I was was born in Liverpool and studied design and illustration at Kingston University and Manchester Metropolitan University. I'm an experienced illustrator who is privileged to work with a variety of clients across a broad range of projects including editorial, publishing, design and advertising Here is a list of clients past and present.
Themes recurring in my work are science, technology, industry, communication, family, nature, architecture, transport and music. All expressed in a bold graphic mid-century tinged visual language, which plays with colour shape and pattern.
I've been lucky enough to win a fair few industry awards but I'm far too modest to brag about them, except here.
Whilst not working I fritter my time away reading books like these, listening to music like this and watching films such as these.
If you want to know more there are answers to some FAQs here and interview with MacUser Magazine here.
Sometimes clients say lovely things about our work together, you can read these here.
I'm also an adoptive parent, and keen badminton player. Other passions include: electronic music, Buddhism, post apocalyptic movies and books, post war furniture and design, lists, GTD, tidying up, and organising things.